Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Website Evaluation Assignment

Part of an assignment I had to do was evaluate website. One of the websites I found would be a great tool for a professional learning community or school administrators wanting to really look into professional development in the field of technology. The website for the International Society for Technology in Education can be found at The purpose of this website is to provide a resource to educators who are wanting to become more advanced in integrating technology in their teaching. The website includes detailed information on the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). It also includes information about professional development opportunities that are available as well as publications and other resources. While there is a wealth of information available without one, the only way to get the full potential out of the website and the society itself is by subscribing and becoming a member. This means money. This website is valuable to educators and to the 21st century, information-age education because it contains the standards by which the nation must adhere to. It provides the resources needed for administrators and professional learning communities to expand their knowledge on how to effectively integrate technology in the classroom and then do it. It also provides information for a national conference- the National Educational Computing Conference. This conference is held annually and it provides a forum for educators to learn, survey, and exchange ideas related to technology in the classroom. It is presented by the ISTE and keyed to the NETS.


Well I'm finally getting this blog off the ground! As stated in my profile, this is starting out as part of a series of assignments for my master's degree. However, I plan to continue to share what I learn about education as I learn it. I'll share websites I find, activities I've tried, and so on. Please let me know if you've tried something and how it worked for you. If I tell about a failed attempt and you know how to fix it, please share! Bottom line, we educators need to collaborate in as many ways as possible if we are going to truly educate children in the way that they deserve. Until next time!